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Get to know a little more about the participants that make up our research group.


felt  Iole Nogueira Belangero

Principal Investigator

felt  Belangero is a biomedical doctor, Master and Doctor in Human Genetics from the Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP) with an internship at the University of Pennsylvania (USA) and a Post-Doctorate from the Department of Psychiatry at UNIFESP. She is a researcher and leader.  of  Psychiatric Genetics research group.


She is an Adjunct Professor at the Department of Morphology and Genetics at the Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP). Were  Coordinator of the Graduate Program in Structural and Functional Biology at Escola Paulista de Medicina (UNIFESP) in 2014  to 2019, is Coordinator of the Genetics Area of the Interdisciplinary Laboratory of Clinical Neurosciences (LINC) at UNIFESP and  gives  Genetics and Biorepository Area of the National Institute of Developmental Psychiatry.  

Sintia has focused on investigating the genetic and epigenetic mechanisms that contribute to the neurodevelopment and/or neuroprogression of psychiatric disorders, showing direct applications to the field of mental health. She has been analyzing large-scale genetic and epigenetic data from patients with schizophrenia, post-traumatic stress disorder, depression and other mental illnesses to identify the  genetic factors that underlie mental disorders and their symptoms/dimensions in children and adults.  

She has extensive experience in human genetics with specific expertise in mental health and is particularly interested, in addition to finding markers, in understanding the pathophysiology, progression and response to treatment and specifically how trauma and adverse life experiences interact with the genome, transcriptome and epigenome.


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